Town of Bolton
Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing:
Proposed 2017 Bolton Town Plan
Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 4444, the Bolton Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on February 9, 2017, 6pm, at the Smilie Memorial School, 2712 Theodore Roosevelt Hwy (US 2), to receive comments on a new draft comprehensive plan for the Town of Bolton. The 2017 town plan is intended to update and replace the 2012 Bolton Town Plan, and will remain in effect through 2025. The draft plan affects all land, property and public facilities in town, as shown on accompanying maps.
Table of Contents: Introduction (Vision Statement, Purpose of the Plan, Using the Plan, Compatibility with Other Plans, Community Engagement). I. People (Historic Bolton, Residents, Housing). II. Prosperity (Utilities, Facilities and Services, Energy, Economy, Transportation). III. Place (Natural Resources, Recreation, Resilience). IV. Land Use (Village, Resort, Rural, Uplands, West Bolton Hamlet, Flood Hazard Overlays) V. Implementation (Introduction, Table of Actions).
Plan Maps: Ecological Priorities & Wildlife, Earth & Water Resources, Working Lands, Conserved Land, Recreation & Cultural Resources, Hazard Areas, Facilities, Existing Energy and Constraints, Energy Resource Areas, Transportation System, Existing Land Use/Land Cover, Proposed Land Use.
Copies of the draft 2017 Bolton Town Plan, maps and Planning Commission report are available for review at the Bolton Town Office, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Hwy, during normal business hours, and on the town website: Contact: Carol Devlin, Planning Commission Clerk, 434-3064,
Linda Baker, Chair
Bolton Planning Commission
Feb 15, 2025, 7:30 to 8:30 AM
Restorative Yoga and MassageFeb 16, 2025, 5:30 to 6:45 PM
Celebrate Linda Parent on Her RetirementFeb 19, 2025, 5 to 7 PM