Future of Business in VT Meeting in Swanton Oct. 24

Past event
Oct 24, 2013, 8:30 to 10 AM

What will Vermont’s economy look like in 2015 or 2025? How do we increase the economic well-being of all Vermonters?

Please join us for a community workshop for residents, non-profits and businesses in Franklin and Grand Isle Counties on Thursday, October 24, 8:30 to 11 a.m. at the Franklin Grand Isle Workforce Investment Board FGIWIB) training center on Precision Lane in the Swanton Industrial Park. Hosted by the State of Vermont Economic Development Office, Franklin County Industrial Development Corporation (FCIDC), the Lake Champlain Islands Economic Development Corporation (LCIEDC) and the Northwest Regional Planning Commission (NRPC), the workshop is a chance to come together, and solicit strategies and tactics for helping Vermont’s economy to grow. Help us grow wages and job opportunities, build business, enhances our quality of life and preserve Vermont’s brand, values and natural resources.

For directions to the Training Center: Take Route 78 into Swanton and follow it towards the Interstate. Just prior to the interstate there is a stop light at the Industrial Park: take a right at the light and follow for 200 yards, take a left and then a right into the Vermont Precision Tools parking lot. Please drive to the south end of the parking lot and enter the building under the green awning. Watch for the signs. RSVP by calling 524-2194 or 372-8400. Breakfast will be served.

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