Advertising Questions?
Our Advertising Specialists Marshall, Brian, Wendy and Paul are ready to assist.
Contact the FPF Advertising Team
For questions about posting to your neighborhood forum visit the FPF Help Center.
These options allow your campaign to join Front Porch Forum discussions in your choice of towns and neighborhoods. These options are only available to those involved in election campaigns and are different from FPF's typical advertising and access options.
FPF Candidate Custom Access subscription
Contact your FPF Advertising Specialist to see if your campaign qualifies and to quickly create your Candidate Custom Access subscription! This option is available for purchase once a candidate has filed with the Secretary of State or Town Clerk (as appropriate) until the Friday before the election.
Paid Campaign Posting
Your Paid Campaign Posting will be included among postings by neighbors and be labeled as a paid submission.
You pick:
Please provide your FPF Advertising Specialist with a brief headline and posting (1,000 characters max., including spaces). Your message can appear in up to two issues per week in each of the selected local Forums. Pick multiple rounds to increase impact (max. two rounds per week).
*Exact publication dates are not guaranteed. PCPs will publish within 2-3 days of preferred publishing date. Deadline to purchase a PCP is the Friday before election day (pending availability), for a publication date no later than the Saturday before election day.
What else can help my campaign?
Also, put your supporters to work... ask each one to post on your behalf to their own FPF (this is free!). All are welcome to join their FPF at
More than 235,000 of the most community-minded Vermonters use FPF, among Vermont's 270,000 households.
Get them talking about your campaign today via FPF! For more details on how to use FPF during election season, see FPF Terms of Use.
Our Advertising Specialists Marshall, Brian, Wendy and Paul are ready to assist.
Contact the FPF Advertising Team
For questions about posting to your neighborhood forum visit the FPF Help Center.