Wellness Consulting

Barnet, VT


Transformational Counseling is for people who want to free themselves from old patterns of behavior that don't feel good. It may be relationships that feel unhealthy, burn-out at work, grief over a loss, addictions, depression or just feeling like you don't know where you belong or if you matter. Expect this practitioner to use kinesiology, Reiki, bodywork, counseling and spiritual explorations to help you discover more about yourself. Add flower essences, essential oils and sound frequencies...

Transformational Counseling is for people who want to free themselves from old patterns of behavior that don't feel good. It may be relationships that feel unhealthy, burn-out at work, grief over a loss, addictions, depression or just feeling like you don't know where you belong or if you matter. Expect this practitioner to use kinesiology, Reiki, bodywork, counseling and spiritual explorations to help you discover more about yourself. Add flower essences, essential oils and sound frequencies and you have an experience to remember.

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About This Directory

The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 15,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. Learn more in the FPF Help Center.


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About This Directory

The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 15,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. Learn more in the FPF Help Center.

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