Sandy Log Farm

Johnson, VT


Sandy Log Farm is a business located in Johnson, VT in the "Nursery or greenhouse" category.

Recent Postings from this business

Organically Grown Veggies for Sale and Garlic

Organically Grown Veggies for Sale and Garlic
Johnson, VT
Aug 19, 2024

Hello everyone, my name is Chris and I currently grow and sell berries and produce toa small number of local families, Jenna's Coffee house in Johnson and Morrisville Food Coop. I have been growing produce for several years and have worked on a working farm years ago. My small farm is located on Waterman Rd, Johnson and I have the following produce for sale listed below.

*Garlic-clean and cured. Varieties I have are Music and German white. Both are porcelain types of garlic and look beautiful.... read more ▼

Hello everyone, my name is Chris and I currently grow and sell berries and produce toa small number of local families, Jenna's Coffee house in Johnson and Morrisville Food Coop. I have been growing produce for several years and have worked on a working farm years ago. My small farm is located on Waterman Rd, Johnson and I have the following produce for sale listed below.

*Garlic-clean and cured. Varieties I have are Music and German white. Both are porcelain types of garlic and look beautiful. $15.00 a pound or $8.00 for half pound (most heads of garlic this year are on the medium to large size)

*Orange Carrots-$3.50/lb or $9.00 for a 3/lb bagged carrots.
*Rainbow Carrots-$4.00/lb or $10 for 2/b bag of rainbow carrots
*Basil-$5 a bunch
*Thai Basil-$5 a bunch
*Flower Bunches-a mix of sunflowers, colored zinnia's, status, black eyed susan's and straw flower. $12.00 (up to 10 flowers in bunch) for a small bouquet bunch or $16.00 for a larger bouquet bunch (15 flowers in bunch.
*Yellow wax string beans-$5.00/lb cleaned and bagged
*Heirloom Tomatoes (pink) -$3.00/lb (limited)
*Mixed cherry tomatoes-$6 a pint
*Red slicing tomatoes-$3 a pound (limited)
*Sunflowers-$2 a stem
*Jalapeno peppers-$7.00/lb or $3.50 half pound
*Golden Potatoes and Red potatoes-$3.00/lb
*Multi Colored Swiss Chard-$3.75 for a modest size bunch

All produce and berries on my little farm is grown with the best care and grown organically. If interested in any items on the list or have questions, please contact me at or call or text me at 802-730-0555.

My small farm is located in Johnson and easy to get to. All produce is arranged for pick up at my place which can be down by contacting me (see contact info above). All items sold will be picked and cleaned prior to your scheduled pick up time so your produce is as fresh as it can be. I'm flexible and can do pick ups at my home most times that work for your schedule.

Thanks for your time and support and all the best.

Chris Kellogg
Sandy Log Farm
Johnson, VT

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Fresh, Organically Grown Produce for Sell!

Fresh, Organically Grown Produce for Sell!
Johnson, VT
Jul 24, 2024

Hello Community, my name is Chris and I run and operate a small berry and veggie farm located in Johnson, VT. Everything I grow on my farm is grown organically and with the best care. I have a small CSA and grow produce for the Morrisville Food Coop. I have over 33 years of experience and my goal as always, is to grow and sell the freshest produce to those in the community. Below is a list of produce and berries I have now for sell currently and throughout the month of July.

*Rainbow Carrots... read more ▼

Hello Community, my name is Chris and I run and operate a small berry and veggie farm located in Johnson, VT. Everything I grow on my farm is grown organically and with the best care. I have a small CSA and grow produce for the Morrisville Food Coop. I have over 33 years of experience and my goal as always, is to grow and sell the freshest produce to those in the community. Below is a list of produce and berries I have now for sell currently and throughout the month of July.

*Rainbow Carrots & Orange Carrots-washed and bagged loose $2.89/lb or $3.50 a bunch (12 in a bunch)
*Green Kale-$3.85 a bunch (modest bunch)
*Lacinato Kale-$3.85 a bunch (modest bunch)
*Dazzling Blue Kale-$3.85 a bunch (modest bunch)
*Multi Color Swiss Chard-$3.85 a bunch (modest bunch)
*Parsley (Italian flat leaf)-$4.00 a bunch
*Blueberries-sold by the pint $7.00 a pint
*Red Currants-sold by the pint-$8.50 a pint
*Blackberries-sold by the pint-$8.00 a pint (almost ready, about another week)
*Scallions-$4.00 a bunch
*String Beans-(first round almost ready) Green and Wax beans-$4.35/lb washed and bagged loose
*Green Cabbage (limited)-$1.08/lb

Produce that I am growing that will be ready and available later this summer are: Potatoes (lots of varieties), Porcelain Garlic, Winter Squash, Green Basil, Sweet Onions and storage Onions, Beets , Paste Tomatoes, Mixed Cherry Tomatoes, Blackberries and fall Spinach and Arugula. I'll let you know when these items listed become available.

All produce is picked and cleaned prior to your pick up order that way it's as fresh as it can be. Pick up orders can be discussed and arranged by contacting me (see contact info below). I'm flexible and can do a pick up most times that work for your schedule. My farm is easy to get to off Watermen Rd and have a farm stand on my property that's in the shade.

If interested and want to place an order and or want more information about my farm, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at 802-730-0555 call/text or email me at

Thanks for your time and wish everyone all the best.

Chris Kellogg
Sandy Log Farm
Johnson, VT

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The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 14,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. See Terms of Use.


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About This Directory

The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 14,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. See Terms of Use.

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