Thanks to our dedicated and gracious volunteers, the Richmond Food Shelf & Thrift Store will remain open this week for our usual hours. Come for last minute holiday shopping and/or if you need food.
Tuesday 12/24 10am-1pm
Thursday 12/26 4pm-6pm
Saturday 12/28 10am-1pm
Our food shelf offers free grocery staples (including meat, eggs and dairy) and fresh local produce (most of which is currently coming from Jericho Settler's Farm). Food is available to all; there are no income qualifications.... read more ▼
Thanks to our dedicated and gracious volunteers, the Richmond Food Shelf & Thrift Store will remain open this week for our usual hours. Come for last minute holiday shopping and/or if you need food.
Tuesday 12/24 10am-1pm
Thursday 12/26 4pm-6pm
Saturday 12/28 10am-1pm
Our food shelf offers free grocery staples (including meat, eggs and dairy) and fresh local produce (most of which is currently coming from Jericho Settler's Farm). Food is available to all; there are no income qualifications. Come in during our open hours, (at least 30 minutes before closing). Please bring reusable bags if you have them, but we got you covered if you don't.
Many thanks to the generous donors of food and cash to the Cub Scout Pack 646 food drive this past Saturday. We received over 200 pounds of food, paper goods and personal hygiene items! Our food shelf customers will appreciate seeing the shelves full of food.
If you have been meaning to make a year-end gift to the food shelf, it's not too late! You can donate by going to this link: You can also mail checks made out to the Richmond Food Shelf to PO Box 174, Richmond, VT 05477, or drop by anytime we are open to make a donation. Donations go towards helping our most vulnerable community members put food on the table.
Wishing you all a warm and peaceful holiday!
read lessRichmond Food Shelf & Thrift Store will be CLOSED on Thanksgiving day- Thursday November 28.
This week we will be OPEN:
Tuesday November 26 10am-1pm
Saturday November 30 10am-1pm
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for supporting the food shelf!
The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 15,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. Learn more in the FPF Help Center.
The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 15,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. Learn more in the FPF Help Center.