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Lynette's Native Plants, etc.

Greensboro Bend, VT


A plant nursery specializing in native & unusual / hard-to-find perennials, shrubs & trees. Also, a large collection of flowering & foliage interior plants, many of which enjoy summering outside & then bring beauty & color into your home, in colder weather.

Tours of acres of native plants, in their natural habitats, from early spring to late fall. Photos of many of these plants, by seasons, & the pollinators that visit them can be found, at where...

A plant nursery specializing in native & unusual / hard-to-find perennials, shrubs & trees. Also, a large collection of flowering & foliage interior plants, many of which enjoy summering outside & then bring beauty & color into your home, in colder weather.

Tours of acres of native plants, in their natural habitats, from early spring to late fall. Photos of many of these plants, by seasons, & the pollinators that visit them can be found, at where questions can be asked & answered, & lots more information can be found. Workshops, informative talks & demonstrations are also offered.

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Recent Postings from this business

Native Wildflower Seed-Starting Workshop Questions

Native Wildflower Seed-Starting Workshop Questions
Greensboro Bend, VT
Feb 3, 2025

I'm reaching out to see if anyone, in the area (or beyond), would be interested in coming to a "Native Wildflower Seed Starting Workshop"?

I have collected, dried & cleaned many varieties of seeds, last fall, from a wide range of native flower & grass seeds, which I have been growing in my 1/3 acre "meadow" & gardens, in a wide range of sites, plus, wild native varieties of perennials, grasses, vines, shrubs & some trees, which will do well in various soils, exposures &... read more ▼

I'm reaching out to see if anyone, in the area (or beyond), would be interested in coming to a "Native Wildflower Seed Starting Workshop"?

I have collected, dried & cleaned many varieties of seeds, last fall, from a wide range of native flower & grass seeds, which I have been growing in my 1/3 acre "meadow" & gardens, in a wide range of sites, plus, wild native varieties of perennials, grasses, vines, shrubs & some trees, which will do well in various soils, exposures & moisture.

The workshop will offer an exclusive, organic potting soil, at least 3 varieties of seeds, depending on the number of participants & a wide range of information that I have gathered, from 50 years of home & professional gardening, a number of nurseries & now my intense love of our native plants & pollinators, which I'd love to share!

I would like to schedule a number of times & weekend(?) days, if needed.

My indoor "Plant Room" is filled with blooming & foliage plants, many of which will be available for purchase, also.

My space & seating is somewhat limited, but I do have a potting bench & a few other surfaces where "standing to plant" would be available. Ideally, I'd love to find a "community" space, with tables & chairs, sufficient for a larger amount of participants. I would certainly be happy to clean up & put away tables & chairs, etc.

I've put many hours into seed collecting, cleaning, packaging & the expense of making the best possible potting soil, which I use for my own plants, so I will probably need to have a charge to cover supplies & time, though that is not something that comes easily to me!

I would also love to have children participate, if room allows!

I'd be glad to hear from anyone who would like to participate or has thoughts about a larger space.

Any ideas would be welcome!!!

Thanks, Lynette

"Lynette's Native Plants, etc."
281 The Bend Rd.
Greensboro Bend, VT. 05842 1 (802) 533-9836 (Landline)

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The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 15,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. Learn more in the FPF Help Center.

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