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Juneberry Music, LLC

Burlington, VT


Juneberry Music helps people find their voices as a way of self and community care. Offerings include online Ribbon Sings, a podcast called A Breath of Song for individual song learning, and in person song circles, vocal exploration, and group music creation, including Flow Singing in Burlington.

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Circlesinging at Rock Point

Circlesinging at Rock Point
Burlington, VT
Feb 7, 2025

Want to heat up February with something a little wild and crazy?!

David Ruffin and Patricia Norton team up with Rock Point Commons to offer an unusual opportunity to circlesing in a beautiful natural setting at the level of engagement that suits you.

Circlesinging might be completely new to you, or maybe you've already tried it, or heard it happening? Playful, structured, unexpected, accepted; we use internationally developed games to help layer nuggets of sounds into musical soundscapes. The... read more ▼

Want to heat up February with something a little wild and crazy?!

David Ruffin and Patricia Norton team up with Rock Point Commons to offer an unusual opportunity to circlesing in a beautiful natural setting at the level of engagement that suits you.

Circlesinging might be completely new to you, or maybe you've already tried it, or heard it happening? Playful, structured, unexpected, accepted; we use internationally developed games to help layer nuggets of sounds into musical soundscapes. The kinds of sounds evolve from whatever sings in our hearts & bones: jive, funk, folk, ska, blues, Balkan, baroque -- our deep listening and trust lets us go beyond the risk of the unknown into connection and discovery.

16 spaces in the full workshop (1:00-4:30 p.m., $30-50) for skilled, confident, curious singers eager to explore the art of leading circlesong... start with techniques and designs that encourage musical discovery and learn some vocab to make it easier to talk about, then hone your skills in the larger circle. Professional development documentation is available for teachers.
Register for the full workshop:

24 additional spaces (3:00-4:30 p.m., $15-30) for singers of all experience levels to dive into the play of community circlesinging... no need to sing alone; bring your adventurous spirit and voice to join the circle. Guided by facilitators, you'll be able to join spontaneous co-creation of music, playful, poignant, powerful, or something else entirely!

Register for the community circlesing:

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Flow Singing - 1st Week Open to All!

Flow Singing - 1st Week Open to All!
Burlington, VT
Dec 23, 2024

Have you already seen all the research about how singing is good for your health, whether or not you're a "singer?" Flow Singing is particularly designed to be a somatic presence practice. Instead of me telling you about the science, here's one New North Ender's observations:

"Each flow singing session that I've attended has a different energy at the beginning, and the same energy at the close. Patricia manages to attune so mindfully to this energy and lead the group however they need to be led.... read more ▼

Have you already seen all the research about how singing is good for your health, whether or not you're a "singer?" Flow Singing is particularly designed to be a somatic presence practice. Instead of me telling you about the science, here's one New North Ender's observations:

"Each flow singing session that I've attended has a different energy at the beginning, and the same energy at the close. Patricia manages to attune so mindfully to this energy and lead the group however they need to be led. Flow singing is incredibly regulating and I leave feeling inspired and connected, regardless of how I was feeling at the start. Flow singing brings me back into my body and centers me there so that I am available to go back out into the world with increased capacity to love and be loved." (Thanks, Bailee!)

You'll have your own experience if you come try us out for free in the first week of the month at the Heineberg Community Senior Center -- 11:15 am Tues or 7 pm Thurs.

Learn more here:

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About This Directory

The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 15,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. Learn more in the FPF Help Center.


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About This Directory

The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 15,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. Learn more in the FPF Help Center.

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