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Hardwick Downtown Partnership

Hardwick, VT


HDP provides leadership to support the economic, social, cultural, and recreational vitality of downtown Hardwick.

Recent Postings from this organization

Springfest May 23-24

Springfest May 23-24
Hardwick, VT
Feb 28, 2025

It may be hard to imagine seeing grass and flowers again, but we wanted to share what's in the works for Springfest. The schedule of events is going to be a little different this year.

Friday, May 23 - Atkins Field, 3:00-10:00 pm

Springfest will kick off at Atkins Field with a special edition of the Hardwick Farmers Market with food vendors, followed by an evening concert and dance party at the Atkins Pavilion. The Grand Marshal Reception... read more ▼

It may be hard to imagine seeing grass and flowers again, but we wanted to share what's in the works for Springfest. The schedule of events is going to be a little different this year.

Friday, May 23 - Atkins Field, 3:00-10:00 pm

Springfest will kick off at Atkins Field with a special edition of the Hardwick Farmers Market with food vendors, followed by an evening concert and dance party at the Atkins Pavilion. The Grand Marshal Reception will be held at the Hardwick Town House.

Saturday, May 24 - Downtown Hardwick, 8:00 am-4:00 pm

The parade and morning activities will be followed by a street fair throughout downtown Hardwick with music, food, performances, rides, games, contests, vendors, and different activities hosted by local groups and families. The festivities will conclude with players and spectators gathering at the Hardwick Elementary ballfield for the annual Tristan Southworth Memorial Day Classic baseball game.

But to make it all happen, we need YOU. Here's how you can get involved.

JOIN THE PARADE - Make a float, march with a group, put on a moving performance, do something fun and creative, all entries welcome.

HOST AN ACTIVITY - Have an idea you'd like to add to the mix?--we'd like to hear it. Want to do something but not sure what?--we can help you with that too. It can be anything, really.

BE A VENDOR - We'll have food vendors of course, but we welcome other kinds of vendors–locally-made crafts, services, community organizations, and more.

VOLUNTEER - Want to help but not sure how? We need plenty of general volunteers to make it all work.

SPONSORS - Our sponsors make Springfest possible. Sponsors are recognized and appreciated in print, digital, and broadcast advertising and other publicity for the event.

DONATE - It takes a tremendous amount of time, energy, and money to put on Springfest. Your support helps to continue and grow this annual tradition for our entire community.

A joint effort of the Hardwick Downtown Partnership, Hardwick Kiwanis Club, The Civic Standard, American Legion, Center for an Agricultural Economy, Jeudevine Memorial Library, Hardwick Recreation Committee, Hardwick Area Little League, and the Town of Hardwick.

More information at

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Seeking Springfest Photos

Seeking Springfest Photos
Hardwick, VT
Jan 29, 2025

Do you have fun and interesting photos from Springfest--recent or from long ago?

If so, we'd love to see them. We'll thank you with a gift card for Front Seat Coffee and if we actually use one or more of your photos, we can compensate you accordingly.

You can contact the Hardwick Downtown Partnership at or call/text 802-472-1761 and we'll send you upload instructions.

This year's Springfest will be a particularly collaborative effort of local organizations including... read more ▼

Do you have fun and interesting photos from Springfest--recent or from long ago?

If so, we'd love to see them. We'll thank you with a gift card for Front Seat Coffee and if we actually use one or more of your photos, we can compensate you accordingly.

You can contact the Hardwick Downtown Partnership at or call/text 802-472-1761 and we'll send you upload instructions.

This year's Springfest will be a particularly collaborative effort of local organizations including the Kiwanis Club, Hardwick Downtown Partnership, The Civic Standard, Center for an Agricultural Economy, Jeudevine Memorial Library, Town of Hardwick, and others.

Stay tuned for more details later this winter or feel free to contact us if you would like to get involved.

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About This Directory

The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 15,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. Learn more in the FPF Help Center.


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About This Directory

The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 15,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. Learn more in the FPF Help Center.

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