Better Middlebury Partnership

Middlebury, VT


Better Middlebury Partnership is an organization located in Middlebury, VT in the "Business association" category.

Recent Postings from this organization

Midd Stroll Merry Middlebury - Tonight!

Midd Stroll Merry Middlebury - Tonight!
Middlebury, VT
Dec 12, 2024

Tonight, come and see the town of Middlebury lit up, including our Falls. The weather promises to be PERFECT! Do a loop across the foot bridge and visit the Stone Mill Market for a pop-up event including sippings and tastings, 5-8pm! Stop for specials at Vermont's Own, The Middlebury Shop, Green Mountain Adventures, Sweet Cecily, Flora, Tinker and Smithy, Parlour, ChimChimney, Adagio, Shiretown, Danforth, Toad Hall Flowers, Buy Again Alley, The Vermont Book Shop and MANY MORE! There's also a... read more ▼

Tonight, come and see the town of Middlebury lit up, including our Falls. The weather promises to be PERFECT! Do a loop across the foot bridge and visit the Stone Mill Market for a pop-up event including sippings and tastings, 5-8pm! Stop for specials at Vermont's Own, The Middlebury Shop, Green Mountain Adventures, Sweet Cecily, Flora, Tinker and Smithy, Parlour, ChimChimney, Adagio, Shiretown, Danforth, Toad Hall Flowers, Buy Again Alley, The Vermont Book Shop and MANY MORE! There's also a much anticipated pop-up dinner at Arcadian/Haymaker!

Experience the festive Midd Night Stroll as Maiden Vermont's singers fill the air with harmony on Triangle Park between 6-7pm, while the SD Ireland Truck and Rudolph the Snow Plow roll into town, adding to the seasonal cheer. The Middlebury Police Department will be joining us for community cheer and giveaways @ Triangle Park, and over 40 local businesses open their doors this evening with special pop-ups, tastings, and treats. Visit the National Bank of Middlebury for a pop-up Artisanal Fair hosted by the Middlebury Studio School. The Sheldon museum is open, and the TRAINS are running! Warm up with hot cocoa at Cannon Park, pick up a chocolate raffle bar at select stores in support of the Better Middlebury Partnership. Prizes to the value of $2,500 to be drawn on the 15th of january 2025. Only 1200 bars this year, so get yours before they all go! Enjoy an evening filled with community spirit, festive local shopping, and the magic of the holiday season. Keep it real, keep it local, and support your favorite Middlebury Stores!

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The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 15,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. Learn more in the FPF Help Center.


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About This Directory

The FPF Community Directory is a collection of more than 15,000 Vermont businesses and nonprofits in 247 categories that participate in Front Porch Forum. FPF does not screen or evaluate these organizations. Learn more in the FPF Help Center.

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