Climate Action Bi-Monthly Meeting

Past event
Oct 3, 2016, 7 to 8 PM

WHAT: bimonthly meeting of Central Vermont Climate action, a 350VT Node
WHEN: 10/3/16 7-8 pm
WHERE: Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 130 Main St, Fireside Room (please use side entrance)

We'll debrief the recent action at TD Bank in solidarity with Dakota Access Pipe Line resistance (#noDAPL) and plan next steps; plan upcoming events: Pipeline workshop, October 20 protest, film series.

We support the mission of 350Vermont:
In the Green Mountain State, we’re uniting a mass movement for bold solutions that both lift up Vermonters and cut down carbon — to be a national and global example for solving the climate crisis. We believe that everyone has a right to a secure, healthy and ecologically sound environment. Yet, our world is presently facing an economic, ecological, and social crisis of proportions never before seen in human history. The survival of life as we know it is at imminent risk from global climate change. The times demand that we build broad and unified social movements that are strong enough to confront and overcome the systems which have created this crisis, while assuring that this human right is reflected in policy and on the ground at the state and local level. This means acting in solidarity with the communities most immediately affected by the climate crisis, working for a just transition to a renewable society, and challenging inequalities rooted in race, class and gender dynamics, both internationally and in our own communities.

If these are issues you care about, please join us!
check us out on facebook--central vermont climate action

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