Northfield/Williamstown School District Merger Study Committee

Past event
Oct 5, 2016, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Northfield/Williamstown Merger Study Committee agenda
6:30pm, October 5th, 2016
Williamstown Middle/High School Library
On the web at

Goals of this meeting: Decision regarding including Roxbury as an advisory district; adopt final vision statement for use as committee guidance; refine bullet points for public presentations; finish revising general principle statements; begin discussion of operational principles.

6:30 - Agenda revisions

6:31 - Approval of previous minutes

6:32 - Public and committee comment

6:40 - Discussion and possible final decision regarding including Roxbury as an advisable district.

This is a continuation from the last meeting. Refer to the minutes from 09/20/2016 (attached to the agenda packet and available online at for previous discussion and decision. We will need to decide on one of three options: not include Roxbury as an advisable district, include Roxbury as an advisable district, or move this item into our next agenda.

6:50 - Discussion and final decision regarding merger study guiding vision statement.

We developed a merger study guiding vision statement on 09/20/2016 (minutes attached to packet and available online). Emily Grey and Christine Motyka agreed to take the statement home and wordsmith.

7:00 - Discuss and refine bullet points for public presentation.

We will share, expand upon and refine bullet points for use in public presentations. If possible
we will begin developing a calendar for committee level public forums. See the minutes of
09/07/2016 (available at for information regarding the committee member assignments.

7:30 - Principles discussion and decision making.

Consultant Peter Clarke needs us to clarify and finalize our general principles. This is a continuation of discussion from last meeting.

8:45 – Introduction and discussion of operational principles.

We will begin definition and discussion of operational principles. Consultant Peter Clarke will begin this discussion and explain where these operational principles fit into the merger study report.

8:30 - Adjournment

Future items: Data gathering and presentation. Continue review and revisioning of merger study report. Meeting with Orange/Washington to ascertain intended dates of merger report submission and date district becomes operational. Roxbury.

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