Documentary Screening of Bess O'Brien's Newest Film Oct. 2

Past event
Oct 2, 2016, 7 PM

Don't miss the movie All of Me that is starting a conversation across Vermont about body image, food and eating disorders!
" All of Me is a riveting film!"
"Incredibly powerful in so many ways."
"Another compassionate and heartfelt piece by filmmaker Bess O'Brien."
From award-winning filmmaker Bess O'Brien whose last film THE HUNGRY HEART on prescription drug addiction helped raise consciousness about the opiate crisis in Vermont!

All of Me focuses on the lives of women, girls and boys who are caught in the downward spiral of eating disorders and their struggle to regain a sense of self-compassion and healing. The film also focuses on the parents who struggle with their children around this devastating disease.

Although the film focuses primarily on Bulimia and Anorexia, the underlying issues of many eating disorders are touched upon in the film. In addition, All of Me delves deep into the often pervasive ways that food, dieting, and body image affect all of us on a daily basis. Many of us may not be diagnosed with an official eating disorder but struggle with our own histories and insecurities around food and weight.

Most importantly All of Me centers on what are the underlying emotional issues that eating disorders stem from including depression, anxiety, trauma, sensitivity, control, perfectionism, and other mental health issues.

In addition, the movie gives hope to those struggling-people can recover and reclaim their bodies, their emotional connection with themselves and others.

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