Benefit Dinner for Jeannie Viens and Her Family

Past event
Oct 6, 2016, 6 to 8 PM

Enosburg Business Association prouldy invites you to a spaghetti dinner for Jeannie Viens, of Enosburg Falls, and Hannaford.
$10.00 per person ($30.00 max per family). Spaghetti w/marinara and meat sauces, tossed salad, rolls, dessert. Cash bar available. Jeannie has had surgery for a brain tumor, and we want to help her get back on her feet as soon as possible, so come join in the fun! Advanced tickets available at: Hannaford, Boston Post Dairy, Merchants Bank, Peoples Trust Company, Wood Meadow Market, Enosburg Pharmacy and Hull Insurance Company.
Come on out to Enosburg Falls Country Club on October 6th, have fun, and help a neighbor!
P.S. Pass The Word!

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