Cabot Apple Pie Festival Oct. 19

Past event
Oct 19, 2013, 9 AM to 3 PM

This Saturday, October 19, 2013:
Cabot Apple Pie Festival 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Cabot School gym, Main St. (Rte. 215) in the village of Cabot.
Free admission and parking, handicapped accessible.

Adult and junior contests with prizes for the best homemade pies, raffles, craft show, and silent auction. Pies and lunch for sale.

NOTICE: Craft tables MUST register & pay BEFORE Saturday.

Pie entry deadline 10:30 a.m. Saturday.
After judging, entered and other pies are sold. Proceeds benefit the Cabot Historical Society.

Telephone 802-563-3396
Web site, with baking contest rules and craft table information:

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