Fall Bridge Tournament

Past event
Oct 30, 2016, 12:30 to 4 PM

Love to play Bridge? Grab your partner or foursome and sign up for the annual Fall Bridge Tournament at Essex Area Senior Center! Featuring delicious refreshments and a wonderful Silent Auction with treasures from Al's French Fries, Brinn Chocolate, Chef's Corner, Essex Cinemas, Lake Monsters, Maplehurst Florist, Massage Envy, 99 Restaurant, Sunflower Soaps, UVM Basketball, and many, many more!, The event is Sunday, October 30 from 12;30-4 PM at the Senior Center. The cost is $10 for members and $12 for non-members. Registration forms can be found on our website at www.essexvtseniors.org, or stop in at the Center to pick one up. Space is limited and filling quickly, so be sure to register soon! For more information, please call Lou Ann at 876-5087.

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