Malayaka House is a US-based orphanage that provides a home and family for the most desperate and vulnerable orphans in Entebbe, Uganda. Malayaka House founder, Robert Fleming, a Vermonter, will be speaking at
Rochester Public Library on Thursday, October 6 at 7:00
Unlike traditional orphanage homes, MH operates as a family. The children are not “adopted out”, rather, they become lifetime brothers and sisters. Malayaka House also realizes that education is not enough. In a country with more than 40% unemployment, the children must be prepared to find suitable employment. The best way to do that is through the creation of in-house businesses. Currently, Malayaka House operates several craft businesses, an IT department, a pizza restaurant, a mozzarella cheese making business, a permaculture farm, a coffee business, a bakery and culinary center, a fish hatchery, and their newest endeavor, a safari business.
Come hear this inspiring story, meet Robert Fleming, and learn more about this entrepreneurial-orphanage home in Uganda.