Celebrating 25 years of service to its community, Peacham Community Housing (PCH) will host its public annual meeting on Sunday, October 2, at 4 p.m. at the Peacham Library. The program will feature a presentation by guest speaker David Reynolds, founding director of Northern Counties Health Care and former health care policy advisor to Senator Bernie Sanders. Reynolds will speak on the subject, “Working for Bernie...Behind the Scenes.”
PCH will also honor the memory of one of its founders, the late Harry G. Barnes. A former diplomat and U.S. Ambassador to Romania, India, and Chile, Harry Barnes also served as director of the Carter Center’s Human Rights and Conflict Resolution programs. Arriving in Peacham upon his retirement from government service, along with his wife, writer Betsey Barnes, he soon found himself involved in volunteer activities and brought energy, wisdom, and vision to community endeavors from senior housing to the creation of a community café and store. Harry Barnes died in 2012.
The annual meeting will also include recognition of current PCH volunteers, election of Board members and officers, and brief updates on PCH’s activities. At the conclusion of its program, PCH’s Board of Directors will host a buffet supper and social hour in the Peacham Library’s newly renovated meeting space.
Peacham Community Housing is the non-profit owner of Peacham’s affordable housing units and hosts the Peacham Café and the Peacham Corner Guild in the historic heart of the village. In announcing its annual meeting, PCH’s Board President Charlie Browne, emphasized that “PCH is not just about affordable housing; we are dedicated to supporting the quality of life for all Peacham residents. Without any paid staff, PCH Board members work with other community partners on public health, social welfare, and special events. We are sure Harry Barnes would approve.”