Two Information meetings are being held about the Nov 5, 2013 Bond Vote for the Plainfield waterline replacement projects. The project consists of 3 areas of water line that were previously marked as priority to replace by the Engineering Firm, Aldrich & Elliot. These are along High Street, Greatwood Dr, and in Martin Meadow. A representative from Aldrich & Elliott, will be informing us of the scope of the project and the funding available, with the amount of the bond vote and the proposed impact on the Water Rates. It is important to understand that the Water/Wastewater system is supported by the users, not the tax payers, so taxes will not be increasing because of this project.
You have 2 chances to come and ask questions, and get information prior to the bond vote. Both meetings are on Tuesday nights at 7:00 P.M.and are being held at the Plainfield Grace Methodist Church, in the downstairs meeting room. (Come in the side entrance). The first meeting is tomorrow night (or tonight, depending on when this is posted to FPF), Oct 15, and the last one is Oct 29, 2013. The Bond Vote will be Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at the Municipal Office on Main St, 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Also, this is another reminder that The Town of Plainfield will be flushing hydrants on Wednesday October 16, 2013.
This may cause discoloration of the water. If your water is discolored, run the water to clear. If you have any questions please contact the Water/Wastewater Department at 454-7173.