Dear Neighbors,
This coming Monday, the City Council will convene its third of four meetings for the month of September in Contois Auditorium in City Hall. (A special meeting to vote on a second reading of the Downtown Mixed Use Core Overlay will be held later this coming week on Thursday, September 29 at 6pm in Contois.)
We will begin our meeting with a second hearing on proposed Charter changes on municipal parking and metering. (Later in the evening, we will be voting on a ballot question on November 8 concerning changes to our parking and metering.) We will then hold a second reading on an ordinance regarding animal boarding and shelter in the downtown zoning district.
We will then hold a public hearing on the City’s Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report. This is a report done by the Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO). In accordance with our grant requirements, this report contains community indicators used to measure progress with our anti-poverty initiatives.
We have another second reading on an ordinance, this one regarding parking waivers and parking management plans.
Our next item is a presentation from the Mayor and CAO, Bob Rustin and CEDO on the Waterfront TIF District. This will be followed by a resolution on putting a ballot question on the November 8 ballot regarding pledging the credit of the City to secure debt for public improvements within the Waterfront TIF District. These improvements include upgrades to the Cherry, Bank and St. Paul Streets streetscape. The total amount of the bonding is a not to exceed amount of 21.8 million.
Our next agenda item is a resolution regarding the North Avenue Pilot Study. The resolution asks that the Council direct the Department of Public Works to send a survey to every resident in the New North End in the mail asking them about their response to the pilot that has been in place since June. There is an online survey currently in place but the resolution cites residents who may not have access to a computer. The results of the survey would be reported to the Council as soon as possible.
Our last agenda item before we vote on several commission and board appointments is a request to put a question to the voters after citizens gathered 5% of the registered voters to sign a petition. The question is regarding relocating the Burlington Bike Path to the west side of the railroad tracks between Battery and King Streets even if that means utilizing the public trust doctrine or eminent domain to accomplish this task.
As with all Council meetings, please keep in mind that you are always welcome to come and speak to the Council on any subject you wish during our Public Forum which begins at 7:30pm. Clickable agenda items can be found on the City's website: All Council meetings are televised live on BT Channel 317 and streamed live to your computer or phone.
As always, I welcome your questions and concerns. Please be in touch over the weekend and on Monday.
My best,
Jan 24, 2025, 6:15 to 8:30 PM
Grief & Rage Ceremony | Other Ways of BeingJan 26, 2025, 2:30 to 9 PM
Laundry Day Takeaway - Chow Pick Up Monday!Jan 27, 2025, 4 to 7 PM