Tuesday, Sep 27
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Join us for a fun and interesting program from the Vermont Humanities Council Speakers Bureau entitled "Wolf Peaches, Poisoned Peas, and Madame Pompadour’s Underwear: The Surprising History of Common Garden Vegetables”.
Science and history writer Rebecca Rupp will discuss the stories behind many common garden vegetables, among them the much-maligned tomato and potato, the (mostly) popular pumpkin, and Vermont’s dynamic duo of kale and Gilfeather turnip. Find out why a lot of us don’t like beets, how a 17th-century pirate named the bell pepper, how carrots won the Trojan War, and how George Washington was nearly assassinated with a plate of poisoned peas.
This lecture is free and open to the public.
This is a VT Humanities Council event hosted by the Orwell Library Friends.
Orwell Free Library