Garage/Moving Sale

Past event
Sep 24, 2016, 9 AM to 3 PM

Garage/Moving Sale, Saturday, 9/24, 9:00 on… (Please, not before 9:00)

11 Lower English Settlement Road, Underhill… two miles from the Harvest Market on River Road

Quality and like new sale items and plenty of useable free stuff

Some of the sale items include; Harvard pro quality ping pong table, Brunswick 8’ slate pool table, Delta cut off saw with Dewalt saw table, Troy Bilt 24” snow blower, 6 Hitchcock solid maple chairs, solid maple table, complete twin bed set, Iron Man 1000 incline/gravity machine (for back etc.), Samsung TV, combo TV/VCRs, Stereo equipment, construction double halogen lights on stand, lawn and garden items, tools, coolers, Craftsman LT 2000 with Kohler Pro riding mower, Westinghouse 7000w generator, Oster toaster oven, Stihl FS55R lawn trimmer, Wii, Black and Decker 36v lithium hedge trimmer, Sony sound bar, mic and guitar stands and accessories, Dewalt 18v saw and drill combo, china, car cover, snow shoes and poles, 10.5 men’s roller blades, and more.

Some of the free items include refrigerator, golf clubs, tools, toys, Bissell carpet cleaner, kitchen accessories, house plants, rolling desk chair, lawn and garden items, solid wood door, perfect for work bench and plenty more.

Doug, 373-8445

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