Building Restoration for Sheldon Historical Museum

Past event
Oct 8, 8 AM to 2 PM, Oct 9, 2016

WE NEED ALL HANDS ON DECK for the first phase of our building restoration!
WHERE? 200 Bridge Street Sheldon Creek
WHEN? Saturday Oct 8 and Sunday Oct 9
WHAT TIME? 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
WHAT TO BRING? work gloves, adequate footwear, long pants and long sleeve shirt

Pizza lunch will be provided - please bring your own drinks.

The Sheldon historical society has the opportunity for a complete inspection of our newly acquired property by a structural engineer with Franklin County and Sheldon roots. Our problem is to get ready for her October 12 visit. We need volunteers at the site for as long as you can stay during the hours posted above. More hands make lighter work as we remove trash, recyclables, items to be restored, and items to be used from the first floor of the building. Also we need to do work outside so the structural engineer will be able to access all areas of the building and provide us with a report we will be able to utilize when securing additional restoration funding.

This is your opportunity to show your commitment to this project. Please reply to this post, call Sally Severy at 933-4248 or send an email to

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