Okay folks it's almost time, we have some great fun planned make sure to keep those $10 bills, we have great grab bags filled with certificates from all business in town your guaranteed to double your money or better. All going to a great cause, if you haven't gotten your 20.00 ticket yet for the Prom Benefit Dance stop by Martha's Kitchen, NMC, Messanger Print & Design, Eatons fine Jewlery, Chamber of Commerce, also be available at the door of The St. Albans Historical Museum in the Bliss Room, Cash Bar, DJ Brian Fredette, Hors d'oeuvres, Desserts included, come in your Sunday Best or one of those old Bridesmaid dresses you thought you'd never wear again.
Mar 5, 2025, 5:30 PM
Dungeons & Dragons at BNMLMar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 1 PM
CIDER Congregate MealsMar 12, 2025, 11:30 AM to 1 PM