"Off Target: What Hollywood, Journalists and Shooters Get Wrong About Guns" is a talk by Dr. Mark Timney of Keene State University in NH. Join us for an apolitical examination into the mythology that surrounds firearms. The term “mythology” is especially appropriate here given that much of what the average person, including the average gun owner, thinks they know about guns is inaccurate.
Without getting into a discussion about what we should or shouldn’t do about the issue of guns, Professor Mark Timney’s lecture and discussion will instead examine how our perceptions of firearms have been distorted by media and folklore. Dr. Timney is an award- winning mass communications practitioner and educator with more than twenty years of professional experience. This is a Vermont Humanities Council Program sponsored by the Friends of the Jeudevine. It will be followed by refreshments and discussion. At the Memorial Building, 20 Church Street, Hardwick. For more information call the library at 472-5948.