Driving around you may have noticed a lot of blue and red signs endorsing Linda Joy Sullivan for the Vermont House of Representatives. Who is Linda Joy Sullivan and how will she represent our towns of Danby, Dorset, Peru, Mount Tabor and Landgrove? Meet Linda and ask her what she stands for and tell her what's important to you and your family. You'll have a chance catch up with her soon in Danby. On Sunday, September 25th from 2-4PM Ryan Yoder and the Yoder Family Farm on 563 Edmunds Road will be hosting an event for Linda. On Friday, September 30 from 5-6:30 PM Herbert Ogden and the Ogden Law Offices will be hosting an event in their office on Main Street in Danby (across from Nichols Store). These are free and casual events intended to bring community members together to talk about what is important to us. Linda will weigh in on a lot of issues that are very important to Vermonters. Everyone is welcome. So, Save the Dates and plan on joining your neighbors and friends at one or both Danby events. If you want to learn more about Linda's campaign online, please visit lindajoysullivan4vthouse.com.