BRACO'S Live Stream Sessions aired at Catamount Arts, Cinema 2, September 29th, Thursday. Each session begins at the top of the hour, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 PM. The invitation is to open your heart and join your heart frequency with Braco's. This offers to enliven more brain potential, raise the frequency of water of which we are 80%, and cause a resurgence of hope and lifting of traumatic stress conditions of body, mind, and spirit. It is as if the sun comes out within the body-mind connection. This has the effect of increasing the good endorphins which in turn help balance for our well being into divine order. BRACO'S GAZE offesr an invisible healing frequency that awakens the divine healing force within us. Just as our body's PH has to be balanced for us to feel well, so our whole body/being thrives with balance and divine order. This FREE OFFERING is possible through voluntary donations only. That a human being can cast no shadows, no shadows of judgment, no shadows of fear, no shadows that block the flow of health and wellness is Braco's God givien gift. Braco's presence, his gaze and his voice has a healing effect on people, places and things. It includes an unchartered realm ofinnate inner awakening of our own healing potential. Braco does not claim to heal anything and yet people report remarkable improvement in challenging conditions. These sessions are for those 18 years and older. Gazing is not advised for women past their third tri-mester. However, watching Braco DVD offerings on You Tube can be a help, just not the Live Streaming. For information, visit and Contact: 802-748-9545/9330