Color-A-Thon at BTMES

Past event
Oct 22, 2016, 9 to 11 AM

This year, as our PTO fundraiser, we have decided to get our students and town up and moving and have chosen to do a 5k/1mile fun run/walk colorthon event.
Rather than selling items, we will be raising funds for things like upgrades to library resources and other enrichment activity items and events for our students, by asking students and community participants to collect sponsors for participating.
This event will have local vendors, a LOCAL DJ DONATING AN AWESOME TIME FOR ALL and fun all morning.
If you are inretested in volunteering with set up, registration , clean up or, most fun, being a runner/walker on Saturday, October 22 between 7 am and noon at the Barre Town Rec Shelter and Bike Path route, please let us know!
You can learn more by visiting the PTO Facebook page.
The BTMES PTO and our students thank you!

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