Arming the Union: VT Gunmakers & Technology That Shaped America

Past event
Oct 20, 2013, 4 to 5 PM

A Vermont Humanities Council Event hosted by the Brookfield Historical Society
Made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities
*** Pond Village Church, 49 Ridge Road, Brookfield VT ***
During the Civil War, the Union army fielded more than two million men, most of them armed with newly-made, highly accurate rifles. How did the North produce all these weapons in such a short time? What impact did the new rifles have on the conduct and outcome of the war? Then, after the war, how did the new manufacturing technology change American life and popular culture? In this illustrated lecture, historian and museum curator Carrie Brown explores the critical role that Windsor, Vermont, played in producing technology that won the war and changed American life.
Free - Disability Accessible - Open to the Public
For More information call Gary Lord, BHS President at 802-276-3927

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