Hardwick Town School Board
Tuesday, September 20, 2016, 6:00 PM
Hardwick Elementary School Conference Room
6:00: Call to Order
6:02: Approve Meeting Minutes August 16, 2016
6:05: Public Comment
Board Business
6:15-6:45: Action Items: Issues that require the Board to make a decision by vote.
1. Potential vote to move for a bond for parking lot and building maintenance needs
2. Ball field damage and lighting
6:45-7:40: Discussion Items: Issues that the Board discusses and deliberate, but no action is taken at this meeting.
1. School Crisis and Safety Policy - warn for adoption in Oct.
2. Woodbury merger- discussion
3. Budget guidance
4. Changes of paper copy of Gazette - Hardwick Elementary School Facebook
7:40-7:55: Administration Reports-Incidental Information- No Board Action Required
1. Principal’s Report
7:55: Items for Next Agenda
7:57- 8:15:Executive Session for Negotiations: Prior knowledge would put the board at a disadvantage.
8:15 - 8:25: Executive Session for Personnel Matter
8:25: Adjourn
Additional materials and information available at: http://hardwickschoolboard.ossu.org/
Next Meeting: October 18, 2016
Items for next agenda
Executive Session for Negotiations- Prior knowledge would put the board at a disadvantage.
Executive Session for Personnel Matter
Next Meeting: October 18, 2016