Recreation Committee Meeting

Past event
Sep 13, 2016, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

The Hardwick Recreation Committee would like to extend an open invitation to our monthly meetings to folks in the community who are interested in helping create recreation opportunities and facilities for our area.

We heard a lot of great ideas come out of the VCRD forums last year and are starting to initiate many of them. However since we are a small volunteer board we often need more hands and minds to tackle these projects. The most recent project we've completed is the bike pump track at Atkins Field which turned out beautifully thanks to our hard working volunteers Chris Ingram, Eric Remmick, Lucian Avery, Hardy Avery, and Emmett Avery. The track is getting a lot of use already, so head down and check it out at the next farmers market.

Our meetings are always open to the public and happen on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 at the town Senior Center (123 High Street). At our next meeting this Tuesday 9/13 we will be discussing possibilities for an ice rink this winter, a bike share program, proposals for next years budget and implementing a community recreation calendar. If you are interested in these topics or have ideas to share feel free to come by and join us!

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