This Wednesday is our Harvest Market Celebration! The CopOuts are rescheduled to play from 5:30-7:00, Pleasant Valley Horse Drawn Wagon Ries from 5:00-7:00, JFAM Market 4:30-7:30 with market specials, pumpkin painting, bobbing for apples, and pie eating contest. Stop by POP Club Booth for details and to sign up.
Crop Cash is the best deal in town for doubling your purchase power up to $10.00 per market. Bring your EBT card and sign up for a chance to even double that buying power by doing a quick survey online!
We will be raffling off local gift certificates and are partnering with Smugglers' Notch Fall Festival Event at CES from 1:30-5:30. Stop by and tell us you came from there and get a market token!
This is our favorite time of year and our thank you to you for your continuing support in uniting producers, musicians and neighbors in community!
In gratitude,
Deb & JFAM Crew