Oct. 15: WBON Meeting Stowe: How's Your Wardrobe Working for You?

Past event
Oct 15, 2013, 8:30 to 10:30 AM

The Women Business Owners Network in Stowe invites you to join us on Tuesday morning to discuss recruiting and hiring quality employees.

Our presenter, Vivian Infantino, is a beauty fiduciary: a holistic makeup artist/stylist who uses the languages of fashion, wardrobe, skincare & makeup, to share/teach from her knowledge & background. She mirrors back the beauty she sees to help you be how you see yourself to be.

Vivian will talk about finding the right style of clothing and fit for your body type, and help you analyze how well your wardrobe is working for you on a professional level. She'll also address fit and wardrobe in terms of budget - and we'll talk about adapting fit to what's in fashion now, and what's classic and wearable always. This is a session not to be missed!

We encourage you to bring/wear garments you'd like to explore in this fun interactive session.

Time: 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Location: Conference room of Golden Eagle Resort, 511 Mountain Road, Stowe, VT
Cost: $9/members, $11/nonmembers.

Register at WBON.org

Email lisa@sproutnewmedia.com with any questions.

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