Toward a Just Economy: a Framework for Progress

Past event
Sep 20, 2016, 7 to 8 PM

The greatest defense of democracy is an informed and active citizenry. In the face of growing inequality and cynicism, we are fortunate to have bold, brave people organizing for change.

Please join us to discuss ideas to move us forward to a just society, ways to hold candidates and government officials accountable, and ideas you can act on during the next session of the Vermont Legislature, including the campaign for the $15/hour wage by 2020, paid family and medical leave, and a current services budget.

This event will be held on Tuesday, Sept 20th at 7pm at the First Unitarian Universalist Society Meetinghouse (152 Pearl St, the Top of Church St.) and is presented by the First UU's Economic Justice Task Force in conjunction with Vermont Interfaith Action, Public Assets Institute, and Rights and Democracy VT.

For more information, please contact Gene Bergman, FUUSB Economic Justice Task Force, 802.658.6289, or email

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