Our regular meeting fell on Monday, which was Labor Day, so we're meeting this Wednesday, the 7th of September. Here's the agenda:
6:30 Review of the Warrants
7:00 Call to Order
7:01 Additions to or changes to the agenda
7:02 Public Comment
7:05 Treasurer's Report
7:10 Approval of Licenses, Permits, Vouchers and Applications
7:15 Chris Winters - Berlin Elementary School Renovations
7:30 Sandy Rousse - Pat McDonald - Central Vermont Home Health Hospice - PILOT Agreement
7:40 Officer Noterfonzo resignation - Police Department
7:42 Appointment of Delegate for VLCT annual meeting
7:45 Emergency Medical Services Contract - for 2016-2019 with possible two year option
7:50 Personnel Policy - Update Section 804 - Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
7:55 Parking Ordinance Update
8:05 Bank Financing for Six Wheel Dump Truck
8:10 Town Administrator's Report
8:15 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes - 07/18/2016 & 08/15/2016
8:20 Convene Liquor Board - Approval of Special Event Permits
* Burlington Beer Company for event at Fresh Tracks Vineyard and Winery
* Black Krim Tavern for event at Capital Grange
8:25 Roundtable
8:30 Executive Session - Legal, Personnel, Contract (Executive Session Anticipated)
Let me know if you have any questions! My mobile phone is not working at the moment, so please use one of the following instead:
Email: hansen.selectboard@gmail.com
Office phone: 485-2221
Have a good week!
Feb 15, 2025, 1 to 4 PM
Resounding Joy Dance Party at Access Cafe This Saturday!Feb 15, 2025, 8 to 11 PM
Listening to the Concerns of Rural VermontersFeb 19, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM