Used Instrument Sale!

Past event
Sep 11, 2016, 12 to 5 PM Jeudevine Music School!
FIND great deals on instruments you’ve always wanted to play!
SELL instruments that you no longer need!
DONATE iinstruments to a great cause! Benefit for the Jeudevine Music School Scholarship Fund.
INSTRUMENT DROP-OFF – 5 to 7pm, Monday-Friday, September 5-9, and Saturday, September 10th, 9 to 11am.
The Jeudevine Music School offers an ensemble music program, as well as private instrumental music instruction for piano, steeldrum, percussion, saxophone, trumpet, banjo, fiddle, guitar, and bass.
Located at: 114 West Church St, Hardwick. Please email for further info, or to arrange instrument drop-offs.

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