Ahoy Mateys! Please support Green Candle Theatre Company, your local 501(c)3 theatre company, as we join forces with The Vermont Lake Monsters to raise money to for our upcoming, family-friendly pirate musical (coming March 2017)! That's right, pirates, music, and baseball! What more can you ask for? Tickets are only $6.00 and Green Candle receives half of each ticket sold! Show your support for two Vermont institutions, enjoy an afternoon of America's past time, and make sure singing scalawags make port at the Old North End's very own Off Center for the Dramatic Arts (www.offcentervt.com) next spring.
Cut and paste the link below into your browser, or visit Green Candle's website (www.greencandletheatre.com):
Contact Aaron Masi at greencandletheatre@gmail.com for more information.