With so much sadness, despair, and negativity in the world, I have found the Shambhala path offers a way to work with difficult situations. Through the practice of meditation, we glimpse unconditional goodness as the ground of our existence. Opening to ourselves with gentleness and appreciation, we begin to see our potential as genuine and compassionate human beings.
Level One: The Art of Being Human is being offered at the Burlington Shambhala Center on Saturday, September 10, 9 am - 5 pm and Sunday, September 11, 9 am - noon. This first class on the path of Shambhala Training includes meditation instruction and practice, talks on the Shambhala teachings, group discussions and dialogue. New and experienced meditators are welcome!
The Burlington Shambhala Center is located at 187 South Winooski Ave, Burlington. Contact Elizabeth Kanard at ekanard@gmail.com with questions or call (802) 658-6795. Learn more and register online: http://burlington.shambhala.org/program-details/?id=267877
“The premise of Shambhala vision is that, in order to establish an enlightened society for others, we need to discover what inherently we have to offer the world. So, to begin with, we should make an effort to examine our own experience, in order to see what it contains that is of value in helping ourselves and others to uplift their existence." -- Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche