Hogback - Wildlife Clearing on Former Ski Slope - Sept. 4

Past event
Sep 4, 2016, 9 AM to 12 PM

On Sunday morning of Labor Day weekend we're kicking off our fall project to clear the former Great White Way ski slope at the Hogback Mountain Conservation Area. This is the first of five work parties we've scheduled for this fall. The concept is to increase habitat variety on the mountain by turning back the clock on some of the former ski slopes, resetting the forest regeneration so that we have more young woody growth (early successional habitat, or ESH) that birds and other wildlife relish. A nice side effect is that for a year or two the views are opened up for hikers and the slopes are clear for skiing.

We're trying to accomplish this using volunteer labor, rather than by doing a fund drive. Join us! If you can haul brush, wield loppers, or run a chainsaw, you can help. Meet at 9:00 in the field behind the white A-frame building just west of the gift shop on Route 9 at the 100-mile view. Bring your own favorite tool or borrow one of ours. Questions? Contact hogbackvt@gmail.com or check the web page: hogbackvt.org and click the ESH Project tab.

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