Urgent! Soccer Registration and Coaches Needed!
Phillip Heinz • eastmontrec@gmail.com • East Montpelier Recreation Board, Co-Chairperson, East Montpelier
Posted to: East Montpelier
Aug 24, 2016
Fall Pick-Up Soccer / Registration Nights!
FALL SOCCER 2016 - LAST Pick-up Soccer/ Registration Night!
Monday Night- 29th ALL PLAYERS PRACTICE grades 3rd - 6th boys and girls.
5:30pm- All players and Parents.
We still need coaches for a couple teams. These teams cant start until a coach is found. Girls 5-6 is most urgent. Other teams need co-coaches or volunteers.
Registration Deadline for sign-up.
We need to get registration done and find coaches so we can schedule the season. Below is the information I sent out earlier this month. Please don't wait and spread the reminder!
Tuesday 5:30-7:00
ALL PLAYERS PRACTICE grades 3rd - 6th boys and girls.
5:30 pm- All players and Parents. We still need coaches for a couple teams
Coaches will be dividing teams after this practice if needed.
First team practices will be Wed or Thursday, perhaps Friday depending on team.
Normal Practices will resume the following week.
East Montpelier Recreation is inviting everyone to join us on the soccer fields for the start of the 2016 recreation soccer season. We will be organizing informal pick-up games at the EM Recreation fields for all ages interested.
ALL KIDS from ALL SCHOOLS are welcome!
The focus will be on 3rd-6th grades for the purpose of registration but all welcome to come play. Kids who show to participate will be broken in to groups for game play.
Please have kids wear proper equipment for pickup games so no one misses their season due to injury that we can prevent.
Registration forms will be on site. Help us get a running start on our season!
Soccer Fall 2016 Forms: https://sites.google.com/site/eastmontpelierrecreation/home
Registration form (required to play)
Concussion Awareness Signature form(required to play)
Must have all forms and payments received prior to first participation in practice or game
Important Dates:
August Monday night pick up soccer (all ages) 5:30 – 7:00, Aug 15th, 22nd, & 29th
Registration nights during pickup soccer
Registration Deadline Mon. Aug 29th
– after this time registration fees go up to $40 for 3-6 program
Grades Pre-K-2 Program
Participation fee: $10, payable to “East Montpelier Recreation”
Season: Saturdays
Dates: September 10 – October 15th
Sessions: All players 9:00 -10:30 am
Sign-up sheet due by: First Practice Sept. 10th or earlier (preferred)
PreK players parents are asked to stay close for support if needed
Grades 3-6
Participation fee: $30
Payable to “East Montpelier Recreation”
Season:September – October
Teams: All teams will be gender specific
3rd & 4th graders: generally practice & have games on Tue & Thurs & some Friday/Saturdays
5th & 6th graders: generally practice & have games on Mon & Wed & some Friday/Saturdays
Days of the week are guidelines only and are not guarantees – depending on the number of teams we have and coaches availability, we could have Friday and/or Saturday events
Sign-up sheet due by: August 29th
Drop off or mail info on form.
Must have all forms and payments received prior to first participation in practice or game.
Visit our Web page first for information :https://sites.google.com/site/eastmontpelierrecreation/home
Contact Phillip Heinz with any questions eastmontrec@gamil.com 522-7065
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