Habitat seeks Volunteers for Women's Build Day
Bennington County Habitat for Humanity's 2016, all Women's Build Day is scheduled for Wednesday, September 14. Come help build a house with, homebuyer, Samantha Stone on Jennifer Lane in Manchester, just off Route 11/30 going east past the Double Hex. The build day begins at 8:30 and ends at 2:30 with snacks and lunch provided. If your time is limited, come build from 8:30 - 12 or from 12-2:30. Space is limited so advanced registration is requested. Mentoring and guidance will be available.
The three bedroom house is a single story with a hip roof. The trusses went up on August 17. On going work will include putting on a roof, installing windows, putting on the siding, wiring and plumbing (contracted jobs) and insulating. A slide show of build progress can be viewed at http://www.benningtonareahabitat.com - click Jennifer Lane on the left side menu. Please contact the Habitat Office for more information and to sign up - 802.367.1000 or email bennhabitat@yahoo.com. Ladies, be a part of a something special and help make a difference in our community.