Overeaters Anonymous Meeting

Past event
Aug 25, 2016, 7 to 8 PM

Are you a compulsive overeater? Do you binge, purge, starve yourself or restrict your food? Do you obsess about food or compulsively weigh and measure your food? Have you tried diets, self help books, personal trainers, therapists, retreats, even treatment centers and nothing works?

Come to an Overeater's Anonymous meeting and find out about a 12 step program of recovery. There is a solution!

Thursdays @ 7pm
The Turning Point Center (above the Phoenix Bookstore)
191 Bank Street, Suite 200, Burlington VT

All are welcome. There are no dues or fees.

For more information contact:


Recovered Compulsive Overeater
(302) 528-6672

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