Adamant Co-Op and Hamlet Annual Meeting and Potluck Oct. 20

Past event
Oct 20, 2013, 4 to 6 PM


It's that time of year again, when we put away our bug zappers and mud boots, dust off our bowlers (white tie not required) and come together as a community to see where we have been, brainstorm our future and, of course, eat lots of good food.

The Adamant CoOp, started in 1935 during the depths of the Great Depression, is the oldest continuously operating cooperative in Vermont and approximately the second oldest food cooperative in the USA. Thanks to our vibrant and generous community, our delightfully quirky little place is unstoppable, and is blazing a trail for re-localization and sustainability. Other community stores have looked to the CoOp as an inspiration and a model. The CoOp is both a catalyst and supportive hub for our local community, and deeply dependent upon all of us.

As a Cooperative [and a nonprofit Vermont corporation], we hold an Annual Meeting. Members are entitled to vote, but everyone is entitled and enticed to attend. Its been a great year and there is a lot of news to share. There is also a lot we would love to hear from you. The Coop belongs to all of us, and your dreams, feedback, needs and talents are what guides its future and keeps it vital.

The current Board members, to whom you can express curiosity or interest in anything going on or that you would like to see go on at the CoOp are: Pat Balkcom, Rick Barstow, Paul Cate, Eva Gumprecht, Rick Kehne, and Trevor Lewis. The CoOp's dedicated, multitalented and multilingual manager is Regina Thompson.

If you are interested in serving on the board of directors, please speak to any of the present board members to find out more about what this involves, the glories, lucrative compensation package, and responsibilities which come with this august office. Nominations for office for the coming year must then be submitted in writing at the store by 4:00pm Wednesday, Oct 16th. Only persons who are existing members of the CoOp at the time of nomination can nominate or be nominated. A nominating committee composed of two Board members, two Adamant Coop community members, and one staff member will consider all submissions and recommend a slate for election at the annual meeting.

If you are interested in serving on the nominating committee, please contact any board member or leave your name and contact info at the front desk of the coop with Regina.

The annual meeting/ potluck will be Sunday October 20, 2013 at the Adamant Community Club The meeting begins at 4:00 PM with potluck to follow. The Adamant Community Club is a former one-room schoolhouse on Martin Rd., within sight of the intersection of Martin Rd and Haggett Rd.

We look forward to seeing many of you there, and we definitely welcome new people to come join the fun and community! Please bring a dish to share.

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