Tonight, Tuesday 8/23, is our final yoga of the season! Come join us at 6:30 tonight to thank Deonne Myrick for her wonderful classes, for all levels and focused on balance, stretching, strengthening and relaxing. $5/person donation is requested, and the series has been sponsored by Century 21 The Mill Stone Agency.
Wednesday, 8/4 at 8 pm, extempo returns to the Old Town Hall. This year, the Best Stories of 2011 will be reprised -- all original, true stories, told in first person, with no notes or props. No admission, but attendees may vote with their donation dollars for their favorite stories.
Friday, we've added a new event - thanks to lots of local interest, we'll gather to discuss how to tackle and tame the wild invasive species in our area! They can't be ignored or overlooked any longer, that ubiquitous chervil, the poisonous wild parsnip, the ever-spreading Japanese knotweed, not to mention buckthorn, Japanese honeysuckle, and garlic mustard.
Come hear Mike Bald on Friday 8/26 @ 7 pm as he explains his full-time work to control and eradicate these plants. He will talk about methodology and timing for this work, and outline strategies for both personal and community-wide efforts towards controlling these plants long-term. This presentation will include plenty of time for questions and discussion. No admission - please come join in the conversation and strategy!
And mark your calendars for next Wednesday, 8/31, at 7 pm - Bryan Pfeiffer will present a slideshow and discussion of his travels north of the Arctic Circle in Norway -- come find out why he's titled the presentation "Naked in Norway!"