Over the past two decades and as the globe has heated up, so has the money to pay spin doctors, pseudo scientists, TV interview show hosts and the occasional person with academic training to SAY there is no climate change. They have been called “Merchants of Doubt.”
“Merchants of Doubt” is now an award-winning (and sometimes light-hearted) look at the serious business of sowing bad information, by Filmmaker Robert Kenner. Watch the trailer at - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8ii9zGFDtc
You can watch this free documentary on Thursday evening, August 25th, at the Plainfield Friends Meeting on 203 Martin Meadows Road. Starting at 6:30 p.m., the film will be followed by an audience discussion. Please join us for this eye-opening look at the scams and propaganda used to deny global climate warming.
Sponsored by The Faith in Social Witness Committee of Plainfield Friends Meeting, Salmon Falls Sangha, and Vermont Interfaith Power and Light. Please carpool, as parking is limited. For questions, call Betsy at 802.434.3397