Pig Roast with Fixin's for Nonprofit

Past event
Aug 20, 2016, 11 AM to 3 PM

Greetings, folks. My friend Bruce Fowler has set up a wonderful non-profit to help returning soldiers transition into civilian life. A vet himself, Bruce has overcome many physical injuries and traumas to create this wonderful Respite for Veterans.

This is his first big fundraiser. Bruce is a great cook, and I am so looking forward to the event. They are asking $12 for an adult for the full dinner. There will be many side dishes as well as burgers on the grill. If you are a meat-eater and have never had roast pig, here's your chance--it's divine. Organically raised right there on Bruce's farm. You can also purchase his own bacon and pork, sausages and smoked meat. Here's more:

Fowler's R & R Ranch is ready to have you stop by so we can introduce
our farming operation in Whiting, across from the former Whiting Country

We are having a pig roast with fixin's on Saturday August 20 from
11:00 am to 3:00 pm and encourage you to visit us. We are a 501(c)3 and
Vermont non-profit providing a respite for veterans where they may learn
farming, food preparation, woodworking and eventually diesel repair.

We have USDA certified, farm raised pork for sale (people say it is awesome) and a
few eggs from our two dozen chickens. Our fields are newly hayed, our 30
pigs include adorable piglets and our first veterans are eager to help get
this old farm back into business. Please do come by and welcome us into the
community. We are glad to be here serving our veterans. Questions: call
802-598-0940 or e-mail info@fowlersrandr.org or check out our website:

~ Marna Ehrech

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