ORE Annual Member Meeting

Past event
Sep 15, 2016, 5:30 to 7:30 PM

The Onion River Exchange time bank Annual Member Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15th, 530 to 730 pm at 46 Barre St., Montpelier. You are ORE and its future. Come give your input, have some homemade spaghetti made by chef Heather, contribute an ingredient to the member salad, perhaps share a dish, connect with other members, and learn about our 2017 Strategic Plan. We are also planning a veggie share and garden produce give away. 530 to 615 Spaghetti Dinner and Pot Luck. 615 to 730 Annual Meeting.Contact Heather or Marci: 802.661.8959, info@orexchange.org or 46 Barre St., Montpelier, VT. Open 9 to 4 T, W, Th. Interested in joining? The Community is invited.

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