Multi-Family Yard Sale!

Past event
Aug 20, 2016, 9 AM to 3 PM

Sat. 8/20- 9:00 to 3:00 148 Browns River Rd. (Route 128) Essex. watch for signs/balloons on mail box

Tons of stylish casual and career clothing woman's sizes 8-12 including jeans, dozens of career and casual shoes (lots of heels) sizes 7-81/2 most clothing and shoes hardly worn ! Handbags, outerwear, household, lots of pictures, dishes,china, small furniture, lots of decorative items including wall shelves, place mats, tablecloths, sm. appliances including bread maker, light fixtures, maple, oak and cherry cabinet doors. tires with rims, rugs, chair pads, black file cabinet, helmets, goggles, lamp shades etc.....

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