Yoga continues this Tuesday and next, 8/16 and 8/23 - 6:30-7:30 pm, all levels, with Deonne Myrick. $5 donations requested. Sponsored by Century 21 The Mill Stone Agency.
Wednesday, 8/17, is our last Community Bingo night of the season - Join caller Ricky Kidder and your neighbors for the chances to win big at bingo!
Next Monday, 8/22, is the last AM Boot Camp - join us at 7:30 am to kick start your week with invigorating exercise!
$5 donations requested. Sponsored by The Clark Group, LLC.
Also next Monday, 8/22, we've added another Cribbage Night! Meet us at 7 pm, bring your board and cards, or come learn about this great game.
Wednesday, 8/24 @ 8 pm, extempo returns to the Old Town Hall. This extemporaneous storytelling evening will feature the Best of extempo 2011! No admission, but the audience will vote with their donation dollars for the best stories of the evening!