Free Indeed and Curry Dinner

Past event
Aug 20, 2016

The annual FREE INDEED LAWN SALE will take place Saturday, August 20, 2-5pm on the Middletown Springs Green. A very popular event, Free Indeed is a giant FREE lawn sale, and a great opportunity for anyone interested in some no-money shopping for good quality adult and children's clothing, school supplies, toys, gifts and household items (no dealers please). There will be children's activities and games to keep the kids happy while parents shop.

Hosted by the Middletown Springs Community Church. People of the community have been so generous with donations that we are not collecting any this time around. Thank you! Questions: 235-2434

ALSO, this month's CURRY CHICKEN DINNER on the Green is happening Saturday, August 20 at 5 pm. It's FREE, served up by the Community Church, and everyone's invited. Come enjoy authentic Indian curry (not too hot), with rice, salads and desserts. Listen to some very local, live music and hang out with your neighbors. Seating and shade tents provided, and lots of room for kids to run around. Questions: 235-2386

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